Beautiful Black Iris & Ink Dress

I’ve always loved fashion. As a child growing up I remember having to wear hand me downs. I didn’t like it mostly because the clothes were ill fitting, but it was better than having nothing. As I matured I became very particular about what I wore. I...

Decor Crush: The Shark Tank Chairs

I have always been a TRUE FAN of the tv show Shark Tank. I love the fact that simply by watching the show you can learn and grow in business. You come to understand what potential partners are seeking as well as advice on how to keep doing what’s working, what...

My Favorite Things: Pretty Surroundings

I believe that although we live in a world where people kill, steal, lie and slander others we have to make sure we are in control of what we can be in control of–our surroundings. When my husband watches the news, it saddens me. Not because he’s watching,...

The Best Ways to Utilize Your Coach

Coaching is an easy job when you love what you do–but it’s still work too. Here’s the godly way to make the most of your time with and without your coach so that you get what you need from them and so they aren’t feeling ambushed at all times of the day and night. Get...