How to Set Social Media Notifications to See Your Favorites First

Many times because of the Facebook algorithm you will feel like you’re missing posts from your favorite people or that everyone else is getting them and not you. Once you have clicked LIKE on a Facebook fan page–it doesn’t stop there. Here are the steps to making sure you SEE FIRST the pages that are most important to you–so you’ll see them in your feed every time they post.
For Mobile Phones
1. Click MORE (the 3 horizontal bars) in the lower right of Facebook
2. Scroll down and Click Settings & Privacy
3. Click Settings below Settings & Privacy
4. Scroll down to News Feed Settings
5. Click News Feed Preferences
6. Click Favorites
7. Add Pages or People you Follow to Favorites
For Desktop
To use see first from your News Feed Preferences:
- Click
in the top right of Facebook.
- Select Settings & Privacy > News Feed Preferences.
- Click See First.
- Select a person or Page to see first by clicking
next to their name.
To use see first from a Profile or Page:
- If you’re not already following the Page, click Follow near their cover photo. If you don’t see Follow, click
> Follow.
- To select a profile to see first, click
then select See First.
- To select a Page to see first, click
then select Follow Settings. Click See First, then click Update.
Note: You can select up to 30 people or Pages to see first. Your selections aren’t ranked (example: your first selection isn’t seen first, your second selection isn’t seen second).
Now let’s talk about Instagram which is simplier, but because there are live videos, posts and stories you have to update the settings for each section. Here’s how you do that:
- Go to profile @MissPrincessDom (or whoever you want) to alter the settings for.
- Click the Following button and you’ll get the menu below.
3. Click the Notifications arrow.
4. Toggle Posts to On, Toggle Stories to On and Toggle IGTV to On.
5. The default settings for Live Videos is “Some” but you want to set them to ALL. Click the arrow next to “Some” and set it to Get All Notifications.
6. Once you’re done your settings for the account you’re following should look like the menu below.
First you need to make sure that your phone is set to receive notifications from YouTube. You can skip the first 3 steps in case your device is already set to receive notifications from YouTube.
1. Tap on Settings
2. Tap on Notifications
3. Next tap on YouTube and Toggle On Notifications
4. Open up the YouTube app
5. Login to your YouTube account by tapping on the Account tab and then tap on the Sign In button
6. Search for @MissPrincessDom or the channel, celebrity or YouTube user that you want to receive notifications from.
7. Make sure that you are on the Home page of this particular channel
8. Next, tap on the Bell Icon (See image below). This will get you notified in case any new videos are uploaded by this particular channel.
Is Twitter still a thing? I’ll come back to that later.
How to Change and/or Unlink Your Credit Card
Teachable will make 3 attempts to charge a card and if they are unsuccessful they will “automatically” cancel you from the course and if you need to restart the course you’ll have to start at the beginning and you don’t want that.
Here’s how to make sure your new card is added and your payments go through without any issues.
Go to and log in with your email and password.
Click the icon in the upper right and choose “Add, Change Credit Card.”
Clicking the Add/Change Credit Card tab will take you to your myTeachable account’s billing page. Here, you’ll see the schools you are enrolled in and your stored credit cards.
To add a new credit card, click the Add New Card button.
Then, enter your card information and click Add Card:
NOTE: By checking Make default for course enrollments on new schools, you are confirming that your credit card information will be applied to the next purchase you make through another school on Teachable.
To change your default card, click the ellipses icon and select Set Default Card For New Schools:
Whichever card you designate as your default will automatically have its information loaded when purchasing a course on a new school.
To remove a card, click the ellipses icon and select Remove Card.
If you have an active subscription or payment plan associated with the card, then you’ll receive an error message indicating that you must unlink your card from the school it is associated with:
How to Unlink Your Credit Card
To unlink your card, navigate to the Schools I’m Enrolled In section and click the arrow to select a new card. Then, select a new card from the drop-down menu. A green arrow will appear next to the card that you select.
Once the card has been unlinked, you can then proceed with removing the card in the Stored Credit Cards section.
If you have any questions, click Message Me in the menu bar and send a message. We will be happy to assist!
That’s it!